I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 60
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Who the f is Nocton
Girlie finally realized it
Princess Duck
At least she isn’t that dense
tbh i already forgot the plot of this story so i don’t even know what is going to happen (in regards to what the fl knows bc she knows the novel) and why she’s so adamant on just being the nanny. it’s not like ml is the ml in the novel anyway right? but anyway it’s interesting to see an fl who actually realizes that the ml might be in love with her instead of being oblivious.
She is so stupid 🙄 🤦 😒
Why can’t she have him ? Why do these dumb FL always think the ML will fall for someone else when they be crashing on them the while tike smh 🤦 someone change the plot around and make them be together