I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 42
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seriously…what is it with the backup lady?!?!?!?
Man laria is really starting to annoy tf out of me man.. it’s like laria and Sophia
(i became the wife of the male lead) are the same person. It’s really starting to get on my nerves man
Emperor is such a snake
Catherine Briar
We all want to set that well-dressed villain on fire and poison all his roses. If you have enough time to dig up another person’s affairs, you’ll have more than enough to take an interest in your child..
Hello, Dear Emperor, what lovely blue /Accents/ you are wearing to this ball. You act as if you don’t mean to intrude while striding in and sitting down. Thus you totally deserve to be shutdown for insulting childcare talk. ~ Die in a fire, set by me, Nocturne.
Glad Nocture took up for them instead of agreeing with that idiot emperor. And Laria said the emperor was a villain which means he’s been defeated, I hope that means he was beheaded or something because he is a waste of air and space
She is so dense.
I agree to some point.. I’m waiting for the so called og FL.. let’s see how dense she is when that time comes