I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 38
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You can tell mr white hair is a villain because he is playing classical music….you see that trend a whole lot in kdramas
AC Dog
if ? villain ? why ? hot ?️
I live for beautiful manga art_
Ah! I just realized something. When Laria said the long haired guy feels familiar that must have been the prince that she once insulted all those years ago. ?
. . . . That’s just a guess, since he seemed to know her.
Okay,so who’s that traitor?? If s/he’s not working in the duke’s mansion how did that person get those informations??..And who said the emperor is hot?? Eeww.. he’s like a rotten potato that stinks…
sigh, the hot ones are always psychos
sigh; I’m constantly fighting the fact that psychos aint my type but ???