I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 36
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Why stop? I was enjoying seeing the dad get what he deserved
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Don’t stop him Laria. The dad deserves to feel suffering like how he has made others and you feel. ? Keep going Nocturne or at least knock hell out of him. Send him to the ground or at least 6 feel under. ?
Why did you make him stop…girl he’s on the way to hell…that man deserves that kind of punishment..tsk..
Aki Terafin
The only way to hurt people like the dad is to to hurt their reputation and money. These kind of people never change and never learn.
I understand that she should have the right to settle things the way she wants, however it was good that he warned the father. Those kind of people, they can do despicable things when things don’t turn out the way they want .
Anyway please, the FL and the ML need to have a proper talk. Their constant refusual to properly communicate and misunderstanding make me grind my teeth. I come back back once awhile to check on the story and the same dilema between them is still there.
I agree w her action. No matter what, this decision could be something that can change her life so she have fully right whether she wanna leave Nocturne settle it for her or stop him. Nocturne on the other hand should not have try making decisions for her in the first place and should just supported her from the back.
Tho I also understand that the reason some people want her to not stop him so that the story can move at a quicker pace. But by doing that it’ll probably only make Nocturne became more possesive so it’s basically slowing the storyline.
(Or maybe they just like the thought of having someone solving their problems for them and don’t like that the lady didn’t take the chance to let the Prince Charming solve her problem like mindless FL)
The plot is messed up, I just hope the mc makes the ml more ummm, less obsessive and stuff.
I actually think she’s right to stop Nocturne. The entire story so far she’s been trying to let things progress with her limited influence and her guilt was one of the only reasons she ever took action to better the conditions of peoples lives. To help to children, to help Nocturne’s insomnia, to fix his insanity, etc. she just had a dream where her guilt was confronted. She seems to have solidified her resolve to actively participate in her own fate now. (I’ve not read the novel so I’m only predicting here). Besides Nocturne has no right to fight her battles without telling her. He can’t control his insanity or the actions he takes so I don’t fault him for that and clearly neither does Laria, but afterwards his guilt led him to hide from her, lie to her, think and act possessively of her and yet he himself believes she doesn’t love him so what right does he have to act on her behalf without her permission. Their relationship right now as far as either has expressed to the other is purely contractual so he should discuss this with her. And on another note Laria should take control of this or else we’ll just have the classic trope of the FL having no independent thoughts or actions because everything concerning her is taken care of by the ML. Her family is very conceded thinking that the abuse and neglect they exhibited can be forgiven and forgotten just because they gave reasons that put them in slightly pitiful lights. They have potential to be better but she herself needs to set the boundaries and terms of healing not a man who at this point is only her fiancé because of a few terms and conditions written out on a paper. As well as the fact that they’re both in the middle of a high stress, high emotional fight. Their judgment about the other is probably very muddled and biased so for that reason alone he shouldn’t handle this for her but rather use his authority to support her choice.
Ayyyye, we appreciate a woman that wants to take her own matters into her own hands, as she should. I get ML wanting to take care of it for her but, she isnt the type of person that needs someone to right her issues for her, especially in regards to family care. She understands family therapy so I assume she knows she needs to resolve this herself if she wants to cure her body’s trauma.
Tbh they’re a terrible family but not irredeemable. They have the potential to be a better family to our FL and I hope she recognizes that too. Earl could still use a boot kick to the face tho.
Girl stop trying to be the better person and let him take care of your family for you??
she is stupid yet u says dont want to talk ur family and stopping him now heck ?
Laria stop being prideful if you can’t even protect yourself ?
Chock that bastard he deserves it
I get it. It’s not OK to kill her dad but it would be OK to teach him a lesson he wouldn’t forget right? BTW set the rest of the family free. Poor sheerwoods…. All afraid of on angry men…
???no let him continue, you cant do anything ? You just got slapped to the floor
girl just let him ch0ck that pretentious after of yours. stop being saintess…… really hate those female characters who try and take all responsibility and burden themselves. it’s not good being so selfless. i hope this fl will teach her family a lesson herself in next ch.
Same, but I think in this instance, she’s saying stop because it was also Nocturne’s fault she fainted. She’s probably going to end up telling them both off.