I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 35
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I’m dying at the translation. They keep calling him monarch..? 😭😭
Plz kill her dad now plz
I’ve never liked this trope, it’s way to naval gazey for me, like really, go read a story without any conflict. Read a story like that and be bored to tears. Lets find a good story with NO antagonist NO obstacles, you might as well write about the son of a Sapphire mine living in the lap of luxury who never gets sick and don’t forget to end the story before his parents die because that would be a tragedy…..
Author chan
Now I feel more guilty for making my characters suffer in the the story that I’m making (。ŏ﹏ŏ)
No offense to any one but like why do authors going into their stories and feeling remorse like you made the trauma happen its time to own up to it . Like the story is made theirs no point because they only care now their in the story but if its was before they wouldn’t flinch at all
I live for beautiful manga art_
Teach the father what it’s like to be slapped so hard you can’t get up! ? ? ?
I live for beautiful manga art_
The father doesn’t deserve forgiveness. He is pure evil ? bastard that should be dealt with by Nocturne and rot in hell! ?
Yeah,.you should teach that man a proper lesson that he won’t forget all his life…or just bring him to hell
Brothers and mom’s apologies were rejected but when she, the author whose fault this all is, asked for forgiveness, was instantly forgiven. Hypocrite. If you want forgiveness, give it. I hope she does forgive her family and figure out how to make things right. She wrote them that way, theoretically she can write them to be different. Even that jerk of a father should be able to change if the author puts effort into it.
sorry but idc about the stepmother or brothers’ excuses. even if they’re on laria’s side now, that doesn’t change anything. i hate when stories try to give abusers a backstory for why they abused a literal child and the mc ends up forgiving them for some reason. like no, you set up the story for the mc to be treated like shit, so why do the abusers get to be relieved of their guilt when the person they hurt has to live with their trauma forever???? i hope laria doesn’t forgive any of them… or at least doesn’t act all friendly with them afterwards.
its always sad to see an author go into their own story and realize one sentence they wrote could mean a lifetime of abuse for a character
I know. As an author I felt that pain and even cried a little
I kind of like this reconciliation. I hope they ignore the isekai thing from here on our.
Kill that damn earl
Omg yes ?
That felt like a waste of a chapter. No offense, but I dont care about the damn memories. I want to see him kick the fathers ass…
Aditi Khedar
So do I ❣️