I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 34
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Her dad just signed his death warrant with that slap
I live for beautiful manga art_
Here comes the bastard of a dad award ?……. Here take this trophy Laria’s dad and shove it up your a*$!!!! ?
Her dad needs a therapy that only the grand duke can give… it’s called bring him to hell therapy…. what a trash of shit
I live for beautiful manga art_
So basically the only reason why the stepmother and the brothers treated her bad back in the past was because the father said so. Wtf for?♀️
[email protected]
I can’t believe that’s her dad
Ikr what a d*ck
Damn fuck shit bitch dad
just AL
Laria ???
Catherine Briar
Is hitting the future grand duchess, who made a match all by herself and without her family’s support, a good idea? I mean, when she became engaged, she had already left that house and I don’t think the Duke will consider them as family, so the whole discipline story goes downhill right there.
Laria was right. They are just making excuses so that they can feel better. Not even once did they thought about her. They bullied, harassed and ignored a small child which lost her mother. She has every right to scream and be mad. She shouldn’t blame herself but blame them and cut them off.
I think she fainted and its an emergency now. the dad is shit only thinks about power
Such a.bastard father he is ,,, i am literally sobbing at her whole childhood experience,.
Pls. Continue uploading more ?
This family gave by far the worst kind of excuses i have ever seen… it’s on the same level as the manhwa where FL’s father from sold his daughter for marriage at the age of NINE years old to discipline her?♀️
I think that manhwa’s name was Marriage of Convenience…. i do *not* recommend it at all
Forget her entire so called family and someone should stab her father
She’s too kind to even consider dismissing their excuses together with their selfishness..
if I were her, I would NEVER even consider that the ones who once abused me would even bother tell their truth about ffor their horrible wrkng doing.
Thank you for updating
Aditi Khedar
I actually hate everyone the trash family ml except for the kids (┛ಸ_ಸ)┛彡┻━┻
Mighty Phoenix
The whole family is nothing but trash