I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 33
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What’s the dad is talking about still doesn’t answer our girls question why did you treat her like crap and what does her mother stuff have to do with any of this
Her dad sickens me
This father is insane…what is he talking about?? So he want to use his daughter to gain more power??? What kind of syndrome her father have???
Like I don’t understand what does the father getting married a second time have to do with him treating his daughter cruel?
Looks like the brother is actually tryna change but we’ll see
tbh it looks like the stepmother and her brothers actually care for her. it feels like it was her father’s beliefs as a noble that pushed the others into treating her cruelly.
I think her brothers were firced to act like that with her tbh it looks obvious–
Girl you better disown your family and leave the past behind. And rather focus of your life ;-;
At least her brothers seem to care for now
I still dont like her brother.
At least her brothers are kinda decent now, I guess?? Her parents are still trash though. They are appeasing her “anger” so they can benefit off of the her future marriage.
This… i don’t hate someone who really wanna change for the better since we’re all humans do make mistake especially when we’re young
Though let’s see if the brothers really changes
Should have just walked out and told him to disown her. With the money she’s getting from the contract she should be able to survive without needing to go back to them if something happens and she has to leave the duke’s home (which isn’t happening)
Bruh. Ditch your last name