I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 31
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Lol nocturne looks like a husband who forgot their anniversary date hahaha
Not gonna lie the princess(the white haired kid) is just like me lol
I live for beautiful manga art_
Ahahahahaha. Nocturn caught by Laria is the funniest. ?
I hope for their relationship to grow…their children needs both of them…I hope her family will understand her and Heinrich will not ruin their mood and their family
She’s t posing while apologising ahsushaushuash
Yes!!! Hold ML accountable for avoiding FL without trying to understand her. He should’ve listened to his knights advice instead of dismissing it and choosing to think like a creep.
He wouldnt have been possessive yandere like in the real storyline if he think rationally and if the way he act change 180° just because its laria instead of the og fl then this would just be different story w no point bringing out that laria was transmigrated
He is sick, love sick ? ❤️
Miss please give the man some space to explain
[email protected]
pls update I will even wait for a 10 for the next chapter I love this
Ihhhh le salió el tiro por la culata
But he looks pretty sick ?
I can’t wait for the next chapter!
Son Godku