I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 30
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Yyyeeeaahh good luck with your ‘avoid her’ plan lol
the butler should take stock in whoever makes those quills…
I live for beautiful manga art_
Hmmmmm that Henryke sure is a ladies man. He is very handsome ? If I were Laria I’d have hearts ? popping out of my eyes. ? ? ? ?
Is Heinrich the name of the supposed to be fl’s lover??
ah yes this is exactly what we needed
[email protected]
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh i love this pls more updates
im having conflicted feelings about her family suddenly being “nice” and wanting to talk with her
He looks dope
Ops.his not in a mood.
what about a report of her being kidnapped? Henryke is so handsome though, even more that the duke. And wouldn’t it be nice if the family had a legit reason for treating her that way and they all really loved her or some kind of obsession??
Aditi Khedar
Wow I want more.