I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 3
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No matter the reason, I abhor physical punishment as a method of child education. There’s never a reason to inflict a wound on a child.
Have any of you been beaten so hard it bled? If not please politely shut your mouths…now I’m not going to go into my personal story but yes being hit does hurt physically and mentally…even more so when the person beating you is someone you trust
Oh,.this duke cannot make a good father… he’s one of those shit character in manhwa..
Oh i see
Why would she be a maid, why not the nanny? A maid wouldn’t be above a tutor/governess so her power to stop things wouldn’t be that great. I think the transition is off with the wording of maid.
Omg bruh he a L gardian who let punishment get that bad
Rain Trevil
alpha scans I hope this’ll get updated soon. i don’t like the readers here atm because they’re blaming the fl even tho she tried her best to argue with them. it’s the system’s fault. sigh readers keep blaming the wrong ones and I don’t know if they’re real readers actually coz the ratings on harimanga is suspicious. most of the stories that have high ratings on other websites have low ratings here…
Poor children????
Lol people who said the FL is trash for doing that hasn’t been hit before and cried
Y’all r hopeless
It’s sad, interesting and I love it ??
Looking forward to the next chapters ??
obviously FL was in the right… kind of unique how they still gave her a difficult time about it tho, most stories would just make it so easy for the FL to be right in all situations, but here it took into account the tutor’s known prestige and credibility. still tho, ML is utter sh*t for not caring until the doctor literally had to show him how many scars the child had.
I think it’s kinda good point that they didn’t give the FL an easy way. Like this story must be based on the middle age. An at that time things are quite similar to this where human rights and anything still vague. So i see the point here
idk i kinda hate the ml
Can someone tell me why they believe that the FL is pathetic or irritating? Is it because she didn’t punch the private tutor in the face? You do realize that since she was a renowned private tutor, the FL would have been put into prison and quite possibly had her life wrecked beyond repair right? There would be a few people who believe what she did was right but I am most certainly in the belief that that woman has enough noble backing that she would turn the FL’s world upside down.
As for the ML’s reaction to the abuse, I am almost certain that just as the FL had thought that this was most definitely a common punishment and not seen as corporal. Believe it or not, not too long ago what the private tutor did was actually very much practiced in schools at the behest of psychologists and psychiatrists. It was believed that a teacher or principal had it within their authority to punish students with canes, rulers, etc. In fact, this was a very common practice up until the late 80s (I say late 80s but I’m almost certain it was still practiced in the 90s in some school districts). Not to mention spanking until a few years ago was seen as acceptable punishment for children.
I am NOT saying what the private tutor did was not abusive, it very much was, however, I am offering you a different perspective on the ML who doesn’t see anything wrong with what transpired. He was probably raised the same exact way (or possibly even worse) and he thinks that since she is a very famous private tutor amongst the nobility, he is in the belief that her tactics are effective. Please give the ML the chance to rectify his mistakes (judging from his reaction, it won’t take that much for him to realize that it’s abuse).
I really don’t know, it seems like theres a lot of trolls here in hari. All reviews seems too extremely bias. Well kinda predictable if those people are frustrated in someways because of clickbaitings here
It’s getting interesting ??
No you all trash for saying that the fl is lame or irritating. You want to keep the abuse on children? What kind of human are you all? She’s right in this, don’t you make her character like bs just because she cannot blind sight the abuse. As yourself id y’all thinking right.
Random Reader
Kind of irritating fl
“kind of irritating fl” how does she irritate you? Is it because she tried to stop child abuse? Or because she didn’t resort to violence? Could it be because she realized her mistake when creating that novel and feels like she needs to fix her wrongdoings? Or is it because she knows that “physical discipline” is just a petty excuse to hit a child because they have yet to live up to an adult’s unrealistic expectations for their child. Because so far she’s done nothing that should make you feel annoyed, actually, what she’s done should make you feel happy unless, of course, you’ve never had to experience the cruelty of being hit with an object by some you trust as a child just because you couldn’t make them happy. You’re the problem here; you’re the one whos irritating.
Sees the child covered in injures
The ML: this is fine
The doctor: it’s not fine
The Male: but but …She’s a good teacher! Freaking ?.
Trash..child abuse!
What a cliche what a pathetic FL.. ?
How is child abuse if fine
I would’ve bunched that tutor face to make the kids feel better
And if she’s angry enough she will quit herself
You’re calling the fl pathetic after she tried her best to prevent two children from suffering any longer because of abuse just because you think the plot is “cliche”? You’re clearly the problem.