I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 27
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Now he is avoiding her…..not the best move for the relationship, but I understand he doesn’t want to hurt her
And the kids were fighting too…and the saying says: the apple fell near it’s tree…lol..the parents are not in good terms so is the children too…. But why the duke is avoiding Laria now?? Is it because of what happened?? Im
I like this story but why is it like the story is rushed and has a lot of holes and someone just overlooked all the flaws and thought ” as long as the main story is going well I don’t care about other things…”???
in that way it feels like it must be a light-novel adaptation. Those tend to be like, whatever if you wanted those inbetween scenes go read the novel we wanna draw the COOL parts.
She actually brought a whole basket of eggs for that ?
villainous Empress Yulia
Thanks for the update ❤