I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 25
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Ooowww that has got to hurt…but I guess if future hubby is doing it she’s fine
FL is very understanding,of course she’s the one who put Nocturne that way… although it’s unintentional to her side since it’s just a novel that she once wrote.. however, she’s part of that novel now,and the weight of the guilt is heavy to point of seeing him suffering from that weird illness is something like a cursed and a torture….. she’s the only one who can help him
Reader is L
Im happy that its not teen manhua but it seems that this new team is just as bad… ?
He calmed down faster this time cuz it was her. He snapped out of it because she called out to him and he heard her voice, and only a little blood was enough. He started acting like this because she triggered his traumatic memories of getting betrayed. The author didn’t just spring this on us, unlike the whole seeing auras thing. Even at the beginning it was implied that he had a madness. I for one enjoyed this chapter.
So here, why did he get mad again? I didn’t get it…help.
I take bite 🙂
oh no….
So just seeing blood calms him down? so why the hell last time he went around killing and hurting everyone? Just doing it once and seeing a little blood should’ve solved that…??
She’s right it ?? her FAULT
oh he’s a vampire kinda? I just thought he liked to murder ?
I think more like a beast/wild animal?
I think it’s like when a fanfic writer goes “Okay so I love vampire fangs but f—- that is a lot of rules and stuff, uhm okay My ML gets fangs and bloodthirst in like yandere fashion but only sometimes- done.”
Oh god
It hurts?