I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 24
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Just how much longer will this drag out
Dandy!?! Prom!?!? you mean Young Master and Ball, right?
Author chan
Laria in a nutshell (눈‸눈)
Aww,that killer smile… please duke refrain from smiling too much, it’s not good for my heart…and yes you still have a chance..just continue working out your relationship..and give as much time as needed..and of course, it’s better to confess your feeling of love..
what chance he means? it’s not like he was rejected or anything
Yeah sir, make her fall for you ???✨✨✨
Lover boy xoxo notcringeatalllmao
hoo take your time we
Yeaaah you have a chance ❤❤❤❤
? confess already
Aditi Khedar
Yes man you do.
now kiss