I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 23
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@bananachips…we know …which is what make this even more annoying
You can’t really blame the FL here since many of the novel authors follow this same kinds of story where the MC tries not to ruin or meddle with relationship between the OG male and female leads
If I isakied I wouldn’t spend a second worrying about og fl this and og ml that….
Author chan
Omg Laria stooooopp your the FL now so stop thinking about her
(╯ರ ~ ರ)╯︵ ┻━┻
Girl,. he’s falling head over heels in love with you… though he’s quiet of his feelings but on his inner he’s planning to cut you from the world…he wanted to own you completely for himself… please forget that FL.. whoever she is…and focus on your family,your children and your husband
no one
I really don’t get her interactions with the duke lol i prefer her moments with the kids more haha and i’ll pretend the previous chapter and the intro of this chapter do not exist cuz it doesn’t makes sense…he should’ve seen through the nanny’s act if he really has that ability
I like the story but it’s just cliche…
Poor girl doesn’t even realize that he’s getting obsessed with her instead ?
lol the kids sleeping
lol For the entire first part of this chapter I can’t get over the baby in between them snoring and drooling, even in the last panel of them in bed the artist got in one more shot ???
when I read this comment I had to go back to take a look and it was so true. It was hilarious !!!!!!??
Cant wait for another chapter!
Thank youu hari!! ??
That’s bad…
I don’t quite understand the translation. Does my reading comprehension sucks?
Nah it got weird because we’re seeing or reading from both their point of views even though we started with the ML point of view 1st. And then this was like a recap chapter….the chapter is odd.