I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 22
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I think author decided ml wasn’t op enough and gave him a power…kinda like I will finally give my character a name in the middle of my story
Girl ..would you please let go of that path that leads to” this is for the original FL ..the FL in the novel will come at this time..I have nothing to do with this because it’s not for me… I’m only here to make path for the FL…” Girl,.I’m so pissed of those picked up lines … you’re the one beside him,and care for him not the supposed to be…?!! Let go of those thoughts
why did they add this essence to make fl stand out more for the ml
ml being able to see ppl’s essence came completely from left field like what? ? is this the author trying to take the “hmm i’ve never mer anyone like her before… interesting…” cliche and make it … magic ability???? and if he can see her essence change depending on her mood then he better not keep acting dense in the future and that him seeing her mood changes actually help him start to understand her
I honestly can’t understand what happened in this chapter
I love you harimanga
I think it was flashbacks but from male lead POV
If he could see people’s essence and intentions, why exactly did he fall for the former nanny’s tricks?? She was radiating malic towards him and the children the whole time.
He probably thought it was only malice for him or thought she wasnt gonna do anything cause no one else really did
Plot Hole!
I think the author just added this ability to the ML’s character midway of the story. Maybe it wasn’t considered yet in the first chapters. Because in all honesty, why would you let someone sketchy working for your children (w/c he apparently cares for greatly)? It doesn’t make sense since he was already very much on high alert against the FL when they first met.
Aditi Khedar
Nice feels like love is in the air.