I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 20
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I wish these fl’s would be kinda selfish for once and throw the og story into the trash
Author chan
Oh lady, cry me a waterfall 🙄
Is her family was threatened by other nobles or they received threats directly from the imperial palace… whatever..
did they actually like her but was treating her bad for some unknown reason…?
or is that corocodile tears ?♀️
Definitely crocodile tears?
i’m getting feels that ML messed with the FL’s family lol and now they want her to convince him to stahp hahaha
When the young master grow upppp AHHHHHHH he must be ml material ^^
…Girl Anyways, I thought the llittle boy was a sensitive cutie but now it looks like he could grow up to be a playboy nooooo ?
Maybe the father fell ill~
What is up with them, I mean they clearly need her for something ? right? But can we know now?
Aditi Khedar
So cute ❤️ thank you for your hard work Harimanga.
Why, why chapter 20 should finish now? Tnx fo the hard work
It’s a new plot from them
Let me guess she will lie she miss her ask for money and cause trouble
So predictably evil
And why is she preparing to be forgotten just stand ur ground and make a happy family dont be pathetic
Darn, so cute