I Will Take Responsibility for the Welfare of the Male Lead - Chapter 10
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Give the artist a break….they probably drew it at 3am in the morning on 2 hours of sleep like I do
I noticed! (After I saw the comment tho😂)
Did anyone notice they forgot her bandage in one of the panels? ?
There’s no relationship in the first place between her and the archduke…but it’s so obvious that he fell for her slowly..or I guessed, it’s as quick as the speed of light…the duke needs to organize his thoughts and behavior
Did he use her or what ??? to think that he just came out and really said “who will protect me other than this girl here” I don’t know why but I laughed a lot ??
but the scene with children was so beautiful ?
him using her unconscious body as a political “tool” to uphold his family standing… girl what the hell ? sometimes i feel like these characters do such weird things…
Lmao that moment got me. Like dude was literally holding her limp body saying ‘here’s the proof so bow down to me’. Really caught me off guard. I was expecting the usual ml stuff where he worries about her more than reputation.
I’m only here for these sweet moments with the kids??
At least the duke learns from his mistakes that nearly gets the kids and her killed. And, he kept her from going back to her family, that’s nice.
It’s not all bad, just the using her unconscious body as a prop to elevate his standing among his peers now he has to force her to stay in a relationship to keep up his looks and it already looks like she doesn’t want to do that but he’s going to “persuade” her anyways and makes him seem like a jerk