Well some lives are worst than death. If the king her mother was sending her to was very evil that poison would have been a way to escape. Not all arranged marriage find peaceful solutions to their issues and some women could end up trapped in a hopeless marriage.
retarded ass mother be like: “oh the daughter i raised in mental anguish and pressure, the way I was raised… looks so much like me.. i never bothered to give her any positive attention and practically sent her away against her own will… is leaving me.??? why am i sad??? “ BITCH WHAT
mom: sigh, i sent her away to a foreign land, it’s a wonder she’s not staying (single tear)
reality: your daughter volunteered to leave to dispel any notion that she was after her brother’s thrown… stayed in a horrible marriage… thrived as a foreign empress… to a husband who was unfaithful and abusive and inept as an emperor… was the subject of multiple assassination attempts… helped win a righteous coup d’etat against the man you set her up with… and came back to further confirm she STILL has no intention for the thrown and is happy IN SPITE OF YOU
After giving your own daughter a vial of poison as a wedding gift how date you shed tears of joy or grief (idk know whether u r genuinely happy for your daughter or sad that you lost a pawn that you wished to both break and still use)
the audacity of that bitch
Literallyyy STFU you bitch ass empress shut excuse of a mother, nobody wants to to hear it
Well some lives are worst than death. If the king her mother was sending her to was very evil that poison would have been a way to escape. Not all arranged marriage find peaceful solutions to their issues and some women could end up trapped in a hopeless marriage.
retarded ass mother be like: “oh the daughter i raised in mental anguish and pressure, the way I was raised… looks so much like me.. i never bothered to give her any positive attention and practically sent her away against her own will… is leaving me.??? why am i sad??? “ BITCH WHAT
mom: sigh, i sent her away to a foreign land, it’s a wonder she’s not staying (single tear)
reality: your daughter volunteered to leave to dispel any notion that she was after her brother’s thrown… stayed in a horrible marriage… thrived as a foreign empress… to a husband who was unfaithful and abusive and inept as an emperor… was the subject of multiple assassination attempts… helped win a righteous coup d’etat against the man you set her up with… and came back to further confirm she STILL has no intention for the thrown and is happy IN SPITE OF YOU
Disgusting mother
After giving your own daughter a vial of poison as a wedding gift how date you shed tears of joy or grief (idk know whether u r genuinely happy for your daughter or sad that you lost a pawn that you wished to both break and still use)