“it seems she underestimated the witch of gottrov” is such a badass line in both bovel and manghwa omfggff also trasta part two saying she was just “lucky to be born a princess” is INSANE HAHAHAHA GIRLIE didnt even bother to research her opponent
About the statement given by that last discord message I think calling emperor a jerk is rather laughable
I think the emperor should be called A Garbage 🗑️🚮
A jerk feels like we’re teasing that guy as a kid pffft🤡
“Luck to be born a princess” girl, how can you go to a fight without having the slightest idea who you are dealing with?💀🤡
“it seems she underestimated the witch of gottrov” is such a badass line in both bovel and manghwa omfggff also trasta part two saying she was just “lucky to be born a princess” is INSANE HAHAHAHA GIRLIE didnt even bother to research her opponent
Kauser Suba
Yes, The Duke Valdir is the ML
Kauser Suba
About the statement given by that last discord message I think calling emperor a jerk is rather laughable
I think the emperor should be called A Garbage 🗑️🚮
A jerk feels like we’re teasing that guy as a kid pffft🤡
more please
Is the duke the ML?
How disrespectful to call a mistress your highness when she isnt even married to the emperor. And at least out of all the nobles the duke has a brain
She’s really playing chess while this little snake is playing checkers. Just wait. Her victory is going to be so satisfying.