The emperor is a literal bitch and pussy idc but literally bro if you looked a little bit better instead of getting so fucking brainwashed and manipulated to this point is wild atp im just angry and irritating but please the emperor is a literal kid and he literally will never get my approval. As a person who usually falls for a red flag this, is not even being red flag this is called being stupid when even your elder sister came to apologise for you and your granny is complaining for your mistress. This is also lowkey personal because my father is literally like the emperor he never listens to us and just goes doing his thing and then it’s always us who have to suffer with him
she would have slept with him the first night had he shown up to the first night and not flaunted his mistress. 100% your fault. now you’re coming up with schemes?
I’ve known from the start that this man is a stupid man baby but honestly it’s feels like his stupidity hits me anew every time. Does he really think everyone is as self absorbed and weak willed as he is. Dismissing her would be the greatest gift. Seriously she can finally get away from him I’m looking forward to it. And he’s going to piss of the people who are supporting her because she is more of a help to the country than he’s ever been. Can he seriously not try to use his own brain and do something that would make the nobles respect him. I’m sure he had a hard childhood but it’s impossible to sympathize with him because he personally refuses to grow up. He’s just so infuriating. Why out him on the cover. It’s like an insult.
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 foolish emperor it’s time for him to cry in pain but I gotta thank him for this move thanks to this ship fail even fast ehhehe now that she’ll be free she can be with ML ehehe thx bastard prologue is approaching
Lol stupid emperor,if you disthrone the empress,you think she would bat an eye???You think she would tremble with anxiety and fear when she even surrendered her positiin as the crown princess of Gotrov on her own???I might call it unexplainably fortunate that the empire still hasn’t collapsed under the hands of the empire and those duke Desponse or whoever it is and the Poiters siblings.
Disgusting pig does he really think she will submit yeah right she is worth ten time more then you she doesn’t need a worthless king by her side this is a great opportunity for her
The emperor is a literal bitch and pussy idc but literally bro if you looked a little bit better instead of getting so fucking brainwashed and manipulated to this point is wild atp im just angry and irritating but please the emperor is a literal kid and he literally will never get my approval. As a person who usually falls for a red flag this, is not even being red flag this is called being stupid when even your elder sister came to apologise for you and your granny is complaining for your mistress. This is also lowkey personal because my father is literally like the emperor he never listens to us and just goes doing his thing and then it’s always us who have to suffer with him
she would have slept with him the first night had he shown up to the first night and not flaunted his mistress. 100% your fault. now you’re coming up with schemes?
I’ve known from the start that this man is a stupid man baby but honestly it’s feels like his stupidity hits me anew every time. Does he really think everyone is as self absorbed and weak willed as he is. Dismissing her would be the greatest gift. Seriously she can finally get away from him I’m looking forward to it. And he’s going to piss of the people who are supporting her because she is more of a help to the country than he’s ever been. Can he seriously not try to use his own brain and do something that would make the nobles respect him. I’m sure he had a hard childhood but it’s impossible to sympathize with him because he personally refuses to grow up. He’s just so infuriating. Why out him on the cover. It’s like an insult.
Hopefully they ho through it
love the fact that she will be free tho, and she will be even more powerful!!!!
she will go to lionel instead of depending on u, like did he sell his brain or smth
Yeah, we are going back to chapter 1 let’s go
pretty sure she’s going to be relieved lol… but it’s totally that twisted logic of “she’s so straightforward she must be playing games” 🙄🙃
I can’t help but laugh at this foolish butthead🤣🤣
Loving this remarried empress vibe I’m getting
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 foolish emperor it’s time for him to cry in pain but I gotta thank him for this move thanks to this ship fail even fast ehhehe now that she’ll be free she can be with ML ehehe thx bastard prologue is approaching
Okay divorce her…
She can just become a marquis
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 welcome to your own hell karl… stupid emperor
The thoughts of fools are impossible to comprehend. I feel like he really never got acquainted with even the idea of education.
Lol stupid emperor,if you disthrone the empress,you think she would bat an eye???You think she would tremble with anxiety and fear when she even surrendered her positiin as the crown princess of Gotrov on her own???I might call it unexplainably fortunate that the empire still hasn’t collapsed under the hands of the empire and those duke Desponse or whoever it is and the Poiters siblings.
the emperor is doing her and us a favour actually
Disgusting pig does he really think she will submit yeah right she is worth ten time more then you she doesn’t need a worthless king by her side this is a great opportunity for her
He really thinks she’ll sleep with him after he pulls some bs like this??? Whew chile…
Chapter 1 is approaching 🔥
[email protected]
Fool dickhead