to the readers who aren’t familiar with catholic/christian (or any monotheistic) weddings (as i assume this one is since they mention god is that 1.) an emperor and empress walks down the aisle together whcih symbolizes them traversing through their new path together (the emperor having NOT done so means hes abandoning her and will walk his own path) and 2.) boquets in weddings are symbol of alot of things e.g. happiness joy fertility bounty beauty and her NOT taking the boquet means as a wife, AND EMPRESS, she has no desire to bring any of that in this new path they are both walking on so this basically straight up doomed their marriage (of not for the fact that sovieshit 2.0 was tending to trashta 2.0 and was late for his own wedding) YUH
Why bother getting mad at this point we already knows he will come running back begging for her not to leave him for another man, and from the cover we already seem the ML and he is tasty!
Why am I doing this to myself?? I’m literally shaking… I’m physically shaking while typing this…… Treat her with respect! No one is asking you to love her, this is a political marriage, but you need to treat her with respect. Treat her at least like a business partner. Why is he being so fucking weird?
And it’s always so fucking disgusting and weird when characters have this weird obsession with women that look like their mother… It’s so f-ing weird. I know that he’s not in love with, whatever that chic name is, but it’s still so f-ing weird
Wow! You ppl have some pretty nice plots and hehe i hope they carry it out too but tbh that emperor in this case i just want to slice his throat slit open save the empress and burn that ivory tower while it has the mistress but no maids 😠😠😤😤
This idiot just made an enemy he never should have made. I’m here for watching her eat him alive and take his crown. Or maybe give it to his sister 🤷♀️ Let’s go!
She should have just left him😭
Actually no wait-
What if..? After their marriage is final and she is officially the empress, she kills the emperor and frame the mistress! While having the emperor sister as her ally!!!
Oh my gosh, really love this type of story where they act all shitty and will beg later hahaha
to the readers who aren’t familiar with catholic/christian (or any monotheistic) weddings (as i assume this one is since they mention god is that 1.) an emperor and empress walks down the aisle together whcih symbolizes them traversing through their new path together (the emperor having NOT done so means hes abandoning her and will walk his own path) and 2.) boquets in weddings are symbol of alot of things e.g. happiness joy fertility bounty beauty and her NOT taking the boquet means as a wife, AND EMPRESS, she has no desire to bring any of that in this new path they are both walking on so this basically straight up doomed their marriage (of not for the fact that sovieshit 2.0 was tending to trashta 2.0 and was late for his own wedding) YUH
should have thrown the bouquet at the back of his head 😂 not really but It would have been funny
Why bother getting mad at this point we already knows he will come running back begging for her not to leave him for another man, and from the cover we already seem the ML and he is tasty!
Dont bother me
Why am I doing this to myself?? I’m literally shaking… I’m physically shaking while typing this…… Treat her with respect! No one is asking you to love her, this is a political marriage, but you need to treat her with respect. Treat her at least like a business partner. Why is he being so fucking weird?
And it’s always so fucking disgusting and weird when characters have this weird obsession with women that look like their mother… It’s so f-ing weird. I know that he’s not in love with, whatever that chic name is, but it’s still so f-ing weird
Chan khuman
Lol my mind 🤯
MY GOD !@#$!@#$!@#$!@#$@! THIS MF! BRO MY PATIENCE
Miss Uni
Wow! You ppl have some pretty nice plots and hehe i hope they carry it out too but tbh that emperor in this case i just want to slice his throat slit open save the empress and burn that ivory tower while it has the mistress but no maids 😠😠😤😤
You ppl can be a novel writer ,,your plots are interesting 😂😂 he isn’t even worth to be 2 ml, useless, dumb**s, mama boy without any reason🤣🤣
This idiot just made an enemy he never should have made. I’m here for watching her eat him alive and take his crown. Or maybe give it to his sister 🤷♀️ Let’s go!
She should have just left him😭
Actually no wait-
What if..? After their marriage is final and she is officially the empress, she kills the emperor and frame the mistress! While having the emperor sister as her ally!!!