ughh this emperor i feel like the empress deserves sooo much better and plus isn’t it funny that he hated how his biological mother was treated like that but now he is doing the same things to Diana
Dude like if u took her as a mistress then face the consequences. I just feel like the emperor and Diana both should get a medicine of their own play
…. the nobility of this entire empire minus Lionel and his brother are just garbage. Baby girl, set the whole thing and fire and go! Widow is supposedly better than divorcee and trash husband killer is cool af!
Diana’s really stupid to have not thought of that sooner… and are we sure it’s the Emperor’s? If I were Diana and everything hinged on my dumb-ass plan to get pregnant – I’d find a look-alike and use him.
Diana you fool, foolishly believing that you’ll have your way forgetting the fact that you’ve been sucking this retard all along knowing what sort of fate previous lovers had…
Looking forward for FL’s bro to wage war tho ik that won’t happen still someone need to knock some sense in that bastard
@DarkRoseCharm ikr
ughh this emperor i feel like the empress deserves sooo much better and plus isn’t it funny that he hated how his biological mother was treated like that but now he is doing the same things to Diana
Dude like if u took her as a mistress then face the consequences. I just feel like the emperor and Diana both should get a medicine of their own play
He’s going to use tax-money to finance the rent of the palace? How stupid is he?
Emperor: take care of yourself
…. the nobility of this entire empire minus Lionel and his brother are just garbage. Baby girl, set the whole thing and fire and go! Widow is supposedly better than divorcee and trash husband killer is cool af!
Diana’s really stupid to have not thought of that sooner… and are we sure it’s the Emperor’s? If I were Diana and everything hinged on my dumb-ass plan to get pregnant – I’d find a look-alike and use him.
Diana you fool, foolishly believing that you’ll have your way forgetting the fact that you’ve been sucking this retard all along knowing what sort of fate previous lovers had…
Looking forward for FL’s bro to wage war tho ik that won’t happen still someone need to knock some sense in that bastard
@DarkRoseCharm ikr
So that stupid man want to believe he is pure blood even though he isn’t wow just wow he is a horrible man