Well coming to this world she completely started over abruptly. This leaves her with many loose ends that she has attachments too. Her acting as his lover at the start was a cooping mechanism for her. Now she has a possibly of going back.
I don’t get why she wants the leave. Even with fame and fortune, what’s the point if you are alone. She doesn’t have anyone in her original world. She mentioned all her achievements in her og world which I get but like that’s all that’s there. In the superficial support
I want her and the ML to BOTH go to the og world. But apparently she doesn’t go back. It’ll be cool if they both went.
Well coming to this world she completely started over abruptly. This leaves her with many loose ends that she has attachments too. Her acting as his lover at the start was a cooping mechanism for her. Now she has a possibly of going back.
Spoiler I heard: She won’t
I don’t get why she wants the leave. Even with fame and fortune, what’s the point if you are alone. She doesn’t have anyone in her original world. She mentioned all her achievements in her og world which I get but like that’s all that’s there. In the superficial support
Nooo don’t leave