Wow so they were trying to use honey traps with low grade honey so when it obviously didn’t work, they tried getting her drunk? Is there not one good person?
girl, have you never been in a big, brightly lit library? Or a huge mall? You can get lost THERE, so why do you think it´s no problem in a castle that´s huge, dark and does not have neat little “Where am I?”-signs??
LMAO i must learn her secrets
Lol, she stomped them good😎
Wow so they were trying to use honey traps with low grade honey so when it obviously didn’t work, they tried getting her drunk? Is there not one good person?
These brats keep coming on FL but they are just weak a**
girl, have you never been in a big, brightly lit library? Or a huge mall? You can get lost THERE, so why do you think it´s no problem in a castle that´s huge, dark and does not have neat little “Where am I?”-signs??