why helo my dear @PsychoPrincess it seems that i see you EVERY WHERE 😭
also hell yeah this gon be good i love a good classic northern duke. we gotta love the new ppl who have only read like a few northern duke manhwas and like them. then youve got the ppl who have read so many of them that they end up hating on them for the average northern duke stereo type and story. idk is it js me that finds it funny?
idk feel like it doesnt matter how many youve read because even the small different details make each one as good as all the other manhwas out there. theyre all unique in their own way.
but obv theres a limit u should hate in the comments on the story as it ruins the manhwa for others
@PizzaParty…oh you mean the time I was talking about the Northern Duke 5000?
Oh yes, the northern duke that comes with either black or white hair, probably has daddy issues becuase his mother died in childbirth (and if mother is still alive, she is very frail), always has a cold outer apperaiance, but inside is warm and loving to those he holds near.
Not to mention 9 times out of 10 he is a decentent of dragaons (and if he is not decended from dragons, he is decadent of dragon slayers or smth similar), probably has a ill relationship with royalty because of political issues..etc.
and then the north is always poorer than the south because of the snow, monsters, and constant invasions, but they always have a stronger army than the south (which always plays into the plot one way or another), yada yada yada…and usually the north’s lands are mostly barren due to the freezing temperatures (unless the fl finds a cold hardy plant that is)…
let’s not forget the northern duke’s harsh childhood which was filled with swordsmanship training and lessons on how to run the north, and often he has been sent out of the battlefields at a young age (also happens to those golden haired red eyed cruel crown princes a lot too) and has thus become emotionaly stunted and only the warm love of the female lead can melt his frozen heart!
Oh, he often is a swards master and/or has special powers that makes the royal family weary of him….
I could add to the list, but I’m tired of typing so much lol
there was another character named ABEL who was father who adopted the FL but though very handsome and young. Sane white grey hair and blue eyes just the hair length was like very much like gojo .manhwa name “I BECAME THE WIFE OF MALE LEAD”
i remember one time my brother asked my lil sis what all the qualifications for being a duke of the north were. There was such a flow of information that she couldn’t stop talking for five minutes classifying specific stereotypes of the race of the north. Lets just say that my older brother was amazed by how accurate it was.
Valhalla's dream.
@PsychoPrincess and @Birds.Are.Cuter….. True….. What happened with the sexy scorching south?
why helo my dear @PsychoPrincess it seems that i see you EVERY WHERE 😭
also hell yeah this gon be good i love a good classic northern duke. we gotta love the new ppl who have only read like a few northern duke manhwas and like them. then youve got the ppl who have read so many of them that they end up hating on them for the average northern duke stereo type and story. idk is it js me that finds it funny?
idk feel like it doesnt matter how many youve read because even the small different details make each one as good as all the other manhwas out there. theyre all unique in their own way.
but obv theres a limit u should hate in the comments on the story as it ruins the manhwa for others
@PizzaParty…oh you mean the time I was talking about the Northern Duke 5000?
Oh yes, the northern duke that comes with either black or white hair, probably has daddy issues becuase his mother died in childbirth (and if mother is still alive, she is very frail), always has a cold outer apperaiance, but inside is warm and loving to those he holds near.
Not to mention 9 times out of 10 he is a decentent of dragaons (and if he is not decended from dragons, he is decadent of dragon slayers or smth similar), probably has a ill relationship with royalty because of political issues..etc.
and then the north is always poorer than the south because of the snow, monsters, and constant invasions, but they always have a stronger army than the south (which always plays into the plot one way or another), yada yada yada…and usually the north’s lands are mostly barren due to the freezing temperatures (unless the fl finds a cold hardy plant that is)…
let’s not forget the northern duke’s harsh childhood which was filled with swordsmanship training and lessons on how to run the north, and often he has been sent out of the battlefields at a young age (also happens to those golden haired red eyed cruel crown princes a lot too) and has thus become emotionaly stunted and only the warm love of the female lead can melt his frozen heart!
Oh, he often is a swards master and/or has special powers that makes the royal family weary of him….
I could add to the list, but I’m tired of typing so much lol
I read that one too!
there was another character named ABEL who was father who adopted the FL but though very handsome and young. Sane white grey hair and blue eyes just the hair length was like very much like gojo .manhwa name “I BECAME THE WIFE OF MALE LEAD”
i remember one time my brother asked my lil sis what all the qualifications for being a duke of the north were. There was such a flow of information that she couldn’t stop talking for five minutes classifying specific stereotypes of the race of the north. Lets just say that my older brother was amazed by how accurate it was.
I am Claude's hair strand
White hair and blue eyes……he is giving me gojo vibes🥲🥲🥲
Omg its my first time seeing such an enchanting fl. Ml kinda fades before her beauty
the art is so beautiful it reminds me of « for my derelict favorite » i love it
The art got changed and it’s more beautiful
I love them
we all love them northern dukes!
Hello its me
My goodness! The art is so pretty!
This art is incredible. Reminds me of kill the villianess ?
I don’t see it. I think it’s more similar to wife of the male lead. He looks exactly like sigren and Duke Abel’s love child!
Ahhhh!!! I want more… He is the definition of beauty! I also want to isekai., #?… And a northern Duke ??