I sympathize with heniel but let’s be for real she stole her sister husband and she condemn her sister to suffer exactly what she go through in the past cuz her sister is gonna suffer the exactly same path and it’s not even a bad sister one the bullies the good and shy sister. I love this history but If we talk about shame and morality, she does not have the right to worry about her sister since she was the one who condemned her to that path, of course unlike her she saves her sister and her sister has the chance to have the baby at her home but I hope I few understand what I meant.
I sympathize with heniel but let’s be for real she stole her sister husband and she condemn her sister to suffer exactly what she go through in the past cuz her sister is gonna suffer the exactly same path and it’s not even a bad sister one the bullies the good and shy sister. I love this history but If we talk about shame and morality, she does not have the right to worry about her sister since she was the one who condemned her to that path, of course unlike her she saves her sister and her sister has the chance to have the baby at her home but I hope I few understand what I meant.