OMG where did all the ppl go who said they liked that grandpa, 😭 he’s just being a control freak rn
And charolletelor wtvr her name is, i don’t want her to marry Luca 😒
I want Luca to be independent and chose wisely and speaking of marriage, why is there no character who’s asexual!? Like everyone are hetero too I just find it weird as straight ace 😞 I need myself in one of these stories smh
A fifth cousin is a relative who shares a set of great-great-great-great-grandparents with you.. so their grandpa’s grandpa’s grampa. I’m pretty sure the Hapsburg’s were more closely related than that
the story was nice and all
but now that grand father is soooooooooooooooo irritating, and also why FL is just silently going through this stupidity. Like she is not at all saying anything.
Yeah, no marriage to Charlotte. Then he would be a cousin who married a cousin’s son who then marries another cousin. There’s too much inbreeding. The answer is no. Also, I thought she was supposed to be shy and quiet. Is every other person in this universe are regressor or what?
I wonder if Luca originally had a crush on Charlotte or at least liked her in his first life. But at least now that he’s older and she’s a child he feels rightfully against the relationship. I think they’d be cute together though.
@asdfgg3456 what Is she meant to do when she is literally new
OMG where did all the ppl go who said they liked that grandpa, 😭 he’s just being a control freak rn
And charolletelor wtvr her name is, i don’t want her to marry Luca 😒
I want Luca to be independent and chose wisely and speaking of marriage, why is there no character who’s asexual!? Like everyone are hetero too I just find it weird as straight ace 😞 I need myself in one of these stories smh
why is the fl just barely doing anything or arguing back 🙄
Charlotte is not a regressor. Her intentions have malice behind them whatsoever.
A fifth cousin is a relative who shares a set of great-great-great-great-grandparents with you.. so their grandpa’s grandpa’s grampa. I’m pretty sure the Hapsburg’s were more closely related than that
SHe seems kie a regressor AND AN EVIL ONE AT THAT but we can’t judge rn so lets wait
the story was nice and all
but now that grand father is soooooooooooooooo irritating, and also why FL is just silently going through this stupidity. Like she is not at all saying anything.
Charlotte is so sus 💀
Yeah, no marriage to Charlotte. Then he would be a cousin who married a cousin’s son who then marries another cousin. There’s too much inbreeding. The answer is no. Also, I thought she was supposed to be shy and quiet. Is every other person in this universe are regressor or what?
Somehow I feel Charlotte is a regresser…
I wonder if Luca originally had a crush on Charlotte or at least liked her in his first life. But at least now that he’s older and she’s a child he feels rightfully against the relationship. I think they’d be cute together though.
the Royal family is crazy.
At least their not evil,that’s a good thing
That grandpa is way to controlling…he needs to get a life
Can someone kill that mf grandma absurdly annoying… 💀
Another reincarnate?
Omg what a fucking mess God damn💀💀💀 also Charlotte is extremely suspicious
i wanna like Charlotte cause she seems very smart but it’s also giving very sus
ebook dragon
The Emperor needs to get his dad a new hobby. Maybe collecting seashells on a beach far far away.
Wanting to marry your cousin is suspicious as f
I don’t like the smiley ones 👀 in a political landscape, that spells danger