All Hail Granma for having top notch Taste in men
Now it’ll run in the family for generations.
I just realized the granma’s bloodline survived because her granddaughters inherited her “taste for handsome men”
I understand why Rue is like that. Judith is the first love of his life and the first person who showed him love. Even his mother did not show him any affection. He’s not shameless, he’s just being honest lol, because that’s how he lives. I like the way Judith respond to Ruediger. She’s being honest with her heart too,not the common type of FL who always refuse to ml’s proposal because of family or personal reasons blah blah blah.
I want a puppy like boyfriend but I’m too antisocial to even ask my friends if they want to go to my birthday party 🥺
2 out of 6 showed up btw, out of them one arrived an hour late but that’s fine!
Okay. Now I’m afraid of what’s to come…..
random guy
I’ll just drop this.
~I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
My heart’s been borrowed and yours has been blue
All’s well that ends well to end up with you~
Yes married the dude because I know I would! I love his look and personality
All Hail Granma for having top notch Taste in men
Now it’ll run in the family for generations.
I just realized the granma’s bloodline survived because her granddaughters inherited her “taste for handsome men”
Calistos abs
I understand why Rue is like that. Judith is the first love of his life and the first person who showed him love. Even his mother did not show him any affection. He’s not shameless, he’s just being honest lol, because that’s how he lives. I like the way Judith respond to Ruediger. She’s being honest with her heart too,not the common type of FL who always refuse to ml’s proposal because of family or personal reasons blah blah blah.
And now she has an understanding of the bodies grandma and sister. Must be in the D.N.A.
Hot guy! Snag him up.
Queen Silvia
I want a puppy like boyfriend but I’m too antisocial to even ask my friends if they want to go to my birthday party 🥺
2 out of 6 showed up btw, out of them one arrived an hour late but that’s fine!
The feels in this episode. I wanted a kiss but ill settle for that hug from puppy, rudi
And her sister😂
she totally just jinxed it, didn’t she 🙃
I love them so much 😍😭
I love how his thinking process 😂 he isn’t wrong about the face thing but isn’t totally correct either 🤣
“I like your face” LOL she’s just lie her grandmother
Yay!!!!! Rudy the puppy!!!
Chan khuman
🤣Hahaha yes, he is shameless but sweet sometimes 🥰
Rum Lawrence
He’s really shameless sometimes 😂
I am still wondering how and where he fell for her first ? Maybe I forgot 😃