sneezles Poor Joseph LMAO it’s ok at least you have company outside and not be stuck with 2 love birds Lol seems like Elena is a favorite child of the tree, it was probably sad she didn’t eat more lol September 30, 2023 at 8:41 am Log in to Reply
Guess who Yes the golden leaf……. hope u guys can I that, I smell something bad might happen if you don’t 🤔😔 September 29, 2023 at 1:18 pm Log in to Reply
Poor Joseph LMAO it’s ok at least you have company outside and not be stuck with 2 love birds
Lol seems like Elena is a favorite child of the tree, it was probably sad she didn’t eat more lol
Guess who
Yes the golden leaf……. hope u guys can I that, I smell something bad might happen if you don’t 🤔😔