so I’m thinking the family thinks the fl is exaggerating her illness because she’s done it a lot throughout her life and leveraged any concern for her to get things from her family. That’s not a reason to hate her and, yes, the family is trash, but that would explain why they aren’t taking her seriously this time
What a weird thing to be casted out of your family just by being a lady who confesses her love. Plus the prince isn’t even a stranger. They’ve known each other since she was 3. I wonder if her health decline was due to her not eating well and taking good care of her body.
Wow. Her family is… twisted. Lol. So now what, will her family cling to her because she ‘resembled’ their mother? They didn’t give a d4mn when they learned she’s sick. Even if they are not attached to her, wont it be more plausible for them to convince her to get treated instead agreeing to her whims? They didn’t show even the slightest concern. If her true self was the magnolia crap or whatever, they will not give a d4mn about her??????
So if she realy was the innocent pure-hearted girl (wich she is not) her family dont give a fuck about it , but now that she is showing her true self they are paying more attetion at her just bcuz is like her mother ? Talking about garbage’s ?
Cant believe that reporter girl “I’ll never forgive you for not letting me exploit your personal affairs!” guess we know who the first cliche villainess is
I seriously hate her father and brothers like her whole life u guys hated her because she “killed ur mother” and she even acted in the best way possible so that they wouldn’t give her more shit and even when they found out thats she’s dying in a month they didn’t care or show any reaction. but the second she shows her true self and wants nothing to do with them they’re crying and begging her to come back to them?!! lol i went on a rant
in which did they show hate they never showed hate to her my freind
its just that they did not pay much attention to her
also its her fault too for puting up a facade till now
so I’m thinking the family thinks the fl is exaggerating her illness because she’s done it a lot throughout her life and leveraged any concern for her to get things from her family. That’s not a reason to hate her and, yes, the family is trash, but that would explain why they aren’t taking her seriously this time
lol a puppy dog waiting at the front door nwn
Lol so the late mother is also similar to her personality?????
What a weird thing to be casted out of your family just by being a lady who confesses her love. Plus the prince isn’t even a stranger. They’ve known each other since she was 3. I wonder if her health decline was due to her not eating well and taking good care of her body.
Character development, something hard to find now days.
Please dont die
Wow. Her family is… twisted. Lol. So now what, will her family cling to her because she ‘resembled’ their mother? They didn’t give a d4mn when they learned she’s sick. Even if they are not attached to her, wont it be more plausible for them to convince her to get treated instead agreeing to her whims? They didn’t show even the slightest concern. If her true self was the magnolia crap or whatever, they will not give a d4mn about her??????
Wow. Her family is trash.
Who cares lol.
hey you ok? what makes you think their trash
omg love this
Alexandre Schihann
So if she realy was the innocent pure-hearted girl (wich she is not) her family dont give a fuck about it , but now that she is showing her true self they are paying more attetion at her just bcuz is like her mother ? Talking about garbage’s ?
I love her and her mother ?? (๑♡⌓♡๑)
TYSM for the update!!!!! ?
Harimnga..give me this opportunity to experience more chapter continued
I swear to god hariminga pleas update the next chapter
Cant believe that reporter girl “I’ll never forgive you for not letting me exploit your personal affairs!” guess we know who the first cliche villainess is
Blueberry Tea
I really want the prince to be the male lead ;-;
I seriously hate her father and brothers like her whole life u guys hated her because she “killed ur mother” and she even acted in the best way possible so that they wouldn’t give her more shit and even when they found out thats she’s dying in a month they didn’t care or show any reaction. but the second she shows her true self and wants nothing to do with them they’re crying and begging her to come back to them?!! lol i went on a rant
Its not even because shes her true self but because they remund her of their dead mother. Like what kind of bullshit is that?????
in which did they show hate they never showed hate to her my freind
its just that they did not pay much attention to her
also its her fault too for puting up a facade till now
Imagine being angry at someone for not being embarresesd about confesing to someone
Puja bhattacharjee
Please update more ????????????????????????