@roseee For the trial against the head of the newspaper (for harming a noble) she was at a disadvantage as a commoner, she needed to be noble to have any hope of not ending up in prison.
Her family then showed up at her house, taking advantage of this moment of weakness to make her come home with them to their family, making her believe she has no other choice.
She quickly asked the prince for help, the only one with a higher title than her father that could do it. After helping her, the prince proposed that she be adopted by the royal family to settle the noble title issue for the trial.
Everything went well and now here we are, at the royal palace✨
(I hope I explained it well, English is not my first language 😅)
I don’t know till where you have read, but as you know she was diagnosed as terminally ill, which turned out to be misdiagnosis. MC was deregistered from her family and insulted the noble lady, who wrote bad rumors about her in the shady newspaper agency. As a result, when it came to light she was not terminally ill, she was about to be charged for insulting a noble as a commner. The only option was to either marry or get herself back to her own family. Here the queen knew crown prince was an idecisive douch and didn’t want to let sierra go or marry her. Sierra rejected I believe to be the ML (Kaitz) for marriage, as a result the queen and the king adopted her as family, so now she is a sister to crown prince. It was a way to ensure sierra doesn’t marry crown prince by the queen. But the queen cared about sierra from the beginning, but after all the shenenigans, the queen was wary of sierra but after adoption and having a talk with she started caring for sierra again, which sums up all the talk about royal palace.
As for the devil part, which you saw, sierra got possessed by an evil spirit at the the house she bought after leaving her family, which tried to take over her body that’s why the queen was worried about her. Kaitz got the evil spirit to move into his body and leave sierra’s body, which brings us to today’s chapter.
my name
@roseee For the trial against the head of the newspaper (for harming a noble) she was at a disadvantage as a commoner, she needed to be noble to have any hope of not ending up in prison.
Her family then showed up at her house, taking advantage of this moment of weakness to make her come home with them to their family, making her believe she has no other choice.
She quickly asked the prince for help, the only one with a higher title than her father that could do it. After helping her, the prince proposed that she be adopted by the royal family to settle the noble title issue for the trial.
Everything went well and now here we are, at the royal palace✨
(I hope I explained it well, English is not my first language 😅)
So like I dropped this but can someone tell me why she’s at the royal palace and what happened to her family
I don’t know till where you have read, but as you know she was diagnosed as terminally ill, which turned out to be misdiagnosis. MC was deregistered from her family and insulted the noble lady, who wrote bad rumors about her in the shady newspaper agency. As a result, when it came to light she was not terminally ill, she was about to be charged for insulting a noble as a commner. The only option was to either marry or get herself back to her own family. Here the queen knew crown prince was an idecisive douch and didn’t want to let sierra go or marry her. Sierra rejected I believe to be the ML (Kaitz) for marriage, as a result the queen and the king adopted her as family, so now she is a sister to crown prince. It was a way to ensure sierra doesn’t marry crown prince by the queen. But the queen cared about sierra from the beginning, but after all the shenenigans, the queen was wary of sierra but after adoption and having a talk with she started caring for sierra again, which sums up all the talk about royal palace.
As for the devil part, which you saw, sierra got possessed by an evil spirit at the the house she bought after leaving her family, which tried to take over her body that’s why the queen was worried about her. Kaitz got the evil spirit to move into his body and leave sierra’s body, which brings us to today’s chapter.