@yesyesnomaybe these FLs are like this only adult only in name just body develops brain does not……. she is acting like a child….. since the beginning……. just wth with authors always presenting women like that tbh as if they have never seen a real one & have only seen kids, even kids are smarted than FLs in some stories……..
@yesyesnomaybe these FLs are like this only adult only in name just body develops brain does not……. she is acting like a child….. since the beginning……. just wth with authors always presenting women like that tbh as if they have never seen a real one & have only seen kids, even kids are smarted than FLs in some stories……..
She’s a kindergarten teacher and she’s acting childishly trying to fight a child???
Cassis, my child, please you’re going to kill me with cuteness and a broken heart 😭
Lol..I like this war of cuteness…her, playing detective to spy on him is so naughty but cute…and I’m sad for Cassis…