What even is the point of all this? I mean, the title is, “I was Born as the Second Daughter” but eight chapters in, and we learn she wasn’t. The miscommunication / conflict caused by her misunderstanding lasted literal pages. It doesn’t give us the audience anything either.
seconded :/ idk i rlly wanna like this story but something about the pacing and story structure is just bothering me
im still rather confused as to why the hell her mom told her that she needed to avoid her ‘scary’ brothers :/ it looks like they’ll explain it soon but like………. i get the feeling that the explanation wont be very satisfactory
like “your family was perfect and loving but your mom ran away and she was also perfect and loving but she also told you to fear your family despite them being her sons and then died alone leaving you to nearly freeze to death”
uhhhhhh………………… what?
like unless we find out that the mom is actually a bitch all the contradictions are kinda throwing me off.
Raine is so freaking hot. I have never sipped for a man in a manhwa before. But damn, I might be converted.
Cozy Blessed
The author must really like the pink color. In fact, none of their childs inherited their mother’s hair.
What even is the point of all this? I mean, the title is, “I was Born as the Second Daughter” but eight chapters in, and we learn she wasn’t. The miscommunication / conflict caused by her misunderstanding lasted literal pages. It doesn’t give us the audience anything either.
seconded :/ idk i rlly wanna like this story but something about the pacing and story structure is just bothering me
im still rather confused as to why the hell her mom told her that she needed to avoid her ‘scary’ brothers :/ it looks like they’ll explain it soon but like………. i get the feeling that the explanation wont be very satisfactory
like “your family was perfect and loving but your mom ran away and she was also perfect and loving but she also told you to fear your family despite them being her sons and then died alone leaving you to nearly freeze to death”
uhhhhhh………………… what?
like unless we find out that the mom is actually a bitch all the contradictions are kinda throwing me off.
Getting called in the middle of the night man that sucks
no one
It’s night there… can’t your family meeting wait for tomorrow and sleep first? The child needs to sleep
no one
I mean he can comfort her for now to make her calm down and eventually fall asleep…why make a commotion in the middle of the night ??
this chapter answered some questions but also made more questions
Now everyone will know their family’s secret..and why her mother ran away from the emperor..why they lived in the slum,..?
I never saw that coming ?. This is getting interesting. Ty Harimanga ❤️