lol he is turning fury 😀
Also I cant stand That Redhair, yes because she is a bitch but also beacsue she is such a meh character, she is just so idiotic, recless and undeestimating everybosy beacsue of her own prejudices. I enjoy when villains are smart and calculating, she just feels like a bis ass pump up full of agression kid, not doing any thinking just going “I WANT THIS GIVE ME OR ILL HIT YOU” Just tiring character, hope her father have at least a little bit of intelect.
Bro is too tempting with the nose bleed 😆😅👄👄
Omggg pls save him
lol he is turning fury 😀
Also I cant stand That Redhair, yes because she is a bitch but also beacsue she is such a meh character, she is just so idiotic, recless and undeestimating everybosy beacsue of her own prejudices. I enjoy when villains are smart and calculating, she just feels like a bis ass pump up full of agression kid, not doing any thinking just going “I WANT THIS GIVE ME OR ILL HIT YOU” Just tiring character, hope her father have at least a little bit of intelect.
God sorry for all the spelling mistakes 🙁