his cheeks looking altered. please tell me this was done by the TL group and not the artist coz how you gonna have a ML without cheeks? im tryna have my cake and a slice too. but also, atp i tolerate this ridiculously long flashback coz Mr. Goodlooking Himself.
Oh daddy? Sorry daddy? Sorry daddy?
Oh 😮
his cheeks looking altered. please tell me this was done by the TL group and not the artist coz how you gonna have a ML without cheeks? im tryna have my cake and a slice too. but also, atp i tolerate this ridiculously long flashback coz Mr. Goodlooking Himself.
Gosh!the bodilicious.🤭☺️🥴
on god, where are his buttcheeks and who removed them with a belt sander
can i get an F in the chat for FL whose ML is now confirmed to have no ass whatsoever