I Tried To Persuade My Brother And He Entrusted The Male Lead To Me - Chapter 5

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Changemyname is right. Also that maid serious got off easy. The princess was being merciful by their standards. The reason why the body’s original owner had such a difficult time was because she was weak and didn’t have the resolve to punish the ones who’ve wronged her. The maid was purposely disrespecting a member of the royal family just because she’s an easy target. Even a bully that teases a kid for being a mistress’s child by today’s standards deserves a thrashing.
ngl…. kinda not liking the protag?
she’s a normal girl who just got transmigrated into the princesses body and she had a maid beaten for ignoring her? i’d get it if she grew up in that place so she knew all the etiquette but srsly… being ignored by some people, esp some random ass maids, shouldnt be that upsetting for her in just the first couple of days that she’s there????
it just feels weird, the characterization and backstory just dont make sense. its like the author wanted to have a scene like this but didnt want to do the work to appropriately build up to it :/ and because the build up isnt really significant, the protagonist winds up looking like a crazy asshole
Um sorry but this was the correct move. As stated she has no power and she is looked down upon by people who should NEVER treat her with such disrespect. She has to change this character’s current way of living if she want to live comfortably in this world. She even told ger brother that she was going to change and be a better princess. To us your statement would be correct who cares, but she’s in a world we’re your position is extremely important and letting those below you disrespect you will garner more and even escalated disrespect.