Dem Aria is smart but acts innocent in front of Mir. She knows the work her sister does. She even thinks Mir is too kind and people take advantage of that. She’s jealous fir her love and attention too. Cliche but cute.
the count originally found her when she passed out on the street. She was neglected unlike now, which is why she didn’t pass out on the street thus why the count never found her.
No she’s still 15 and that’s when she was supposed to meet the count in 1 week time that’s why Mir was scouting the area to find info about the Count and ways on how to ‘accidentally’ bump into him or somehow make Aria fake faint for their encounter.
Holy hell Alex is a hottie
Dem Aria is smart but acts innocent in front of Mir. She knows the work her sister does. She even thinks Mir is too kind and people take advantage of that. She’s jealous fir her love and attention too. Cliche but cute.
How come all her childhood friends and acquaintances are either sword masters, knights, kings, magicians, emperors or even the pope.
Maybe the meds changed lil sis mental?
I just wish Aria won’t be a villain of some sort. Let it be other people. I want these sisters to be just sisters 😮💨
Your_Anxiety attack
@lizziexe I don’t think so, I feel like the fl’s sister is just overprotective of the fl.
Why does it seem like she met all the male leads when they were young
Mir is a magnet for all the potential male leads. When they are supposed to fall for the sister ?
Is there anyone that mir didn’t Eva that was a child at the time? It’s like her superpower or something?
Mir is just a big sister to everyone
waitt hasn’t it been 2 years since aria turned 15? why isnt she with the count yet??? and lol, girls starting fo show her true colors uh oh..
the count originally found her when she passed out on the street. She was neglected unlike now, which is why she didn’t pass out on the street thus why the count never found her.
No she’s still 15 and that’s when she was supposed to meet the count in 1 week time that’s why Mir was scouting the area to find info about the Count and ways on how to ‘accidentally’ bump into him or somehow make Aria fake faint for their encounter.
Its the other way around my dear MIR.your the one sorrounded with powerful people.jejejeje!
[email protected]
Sigh….not another child saved by mir and fell in love with her…..poor aria
ikr hays
Love you uploader ❤️❤️??
Aki Terafin
I should have waited for more chapters before reading ?? the cliffhanger is just-