oh.. the art is just not for me… she looks like a kid & what’s with artist putting that huge height gap…. so weird it’s just too much like a grown guy dating a kid… also everyone is fool for FL… all her actions even breathing is cute from their pov… bro…
I don’t think she acts ‘childish’ cuz of what her family choose to view her as… she seems to be that way… and I hope this won’t be typical og plot supporting FL like girl ML already is clear on how he feels, it’s okay if you want to see if he may like FL later but I hope she won’t do stupid stuff like helping them to get together & then feeling all uncomfy if they get close from her pov that is…
She acts “childish” because her family still sees her as a child, they refuse to believe that she is a grown up woman. As a 17 year old girl, i still act all ‘cute’ and ‘childish’ when i want something from my father
Ur right, in a lot of panels her way of talking sort of reminded me of Rashta from Remarried Empress and the fact that the artist has made her look like a 15 year old doesn’t help in making me like this manhwa. I feel uncomfortable reading it😓
Umm why does she behaves like a child ?? Getting pouty and puppy eyes all the time as to make ppl listen to her ?? She can just talk normally?? (Ik author did that to make her cute but she seems abit too much like a child…)
The artist drawing her without hips or a butt makes her look 10 and I agree that is creepy next to a well-built man.
MC and ml be like ” let’s skip. To the good part… Laaahaaai~”
i was already expecting him to make the cherry blossoms bloom rn
oh.. the art is just not for me… she looks like a kid & what’s with artist putting that huge height gap…. so weird it’s just too much like a grown guy dating a kid… also everyone is fool for FL… all her actions even breathing is cute from their pov… bro…
I don’t think she acts ‘childish’ cuz of what her family choose to view her as… she seems to be that way… and I hope this won’t be typical og plot supporting FL like girl ML already is clear on how he feels, it’s okay if you want to see if he may like FL later but I hope she won’t do stupid stuff like helping them to get together & then feeling all uncomfy if they get close from her pov that is…
She acts “childish” because her family still sees her as a child, they refuse to believe that she is a grown up woman. As a 17 year old girl, i still act all ‘cute’ and ‘childish’ when i want something from my father
Ur right, in a lot of panels her way of talking sort of reminded me of Rashta from Remarried Empress and the fact that the artist has made her look like a 15 year old doesn’t help in making me like this manhwa. I feel uncomfortable reading it😓
Yup perfect man for her and her family!
I knew he was gonna make cherry blossoms
Umm why does she behaves like a child ?? Getting pouty and puppy eyes all the time as to make ppl listen to her ?? She can just talk normally?? (Ik author did that to make her cute but she seems abit too much like a child…)