I Thought It’s a Common Possession - Chapter 96
You don't have anything in histories
hari manga, I Thought It Was a Common Isekai Story, I Thought It Was a Common Isekai Story english, I Thought It Was a Common Isekai Story manhwa, I Thought It Was a Common Isekai Story novel, I Thought It Was a Common Isekai Story webtoon, 흔한 빙의물인 줄 알았다, 흔한 빙의물인 줄 알았다 english, 흔한 빙의물인 줄 알았다 manhwa, 흔한 빙의물인 줄 알았다 novel
악녀~🖤 A_Villainess tired of romance
*to show
악녀~🖤 A_Villainess tired of romance
Ehh?! Somethings wrong with the system! Why did it allow tonshow itself to Cliff???
I don’t get it
about timeeee
Also Technically the og author is like his mom which means Cliff has serious mommy issues
Edith is still quoting the original story as if the og author put effort in world building that didn’t involve Lize. I wouldn’t be surprised if outside of the kingdom Lize lives in everywhere else was briefly mention in a sentence like “Lize got her silk dress imported from ____”
It so weird how good the ending novel for cliff how the ending for lize and cliff breaking off their engagement and lize being in mental hospital and cliff marry to another girl seem so much better than this
Buu, I liked Cliff’s ending in the novel T_T I wanted to see him married with another girl. I also wanted Edith to go to their territory instead of the duchy. The novel had a good ending and most people liked it, why so many changes?
all I really care about now is seeing the princess and the knight get together. Super late ship but I’m into it
Cliff was written as a character who worship Lize but he does not like Lize but her scheming substitute instead.
This feel so wrong.
I kinda want an insane reverse isekai with the villains in our world. They have to overcome trauma, depression, anxiety, and being broke in a world they both don’t understand or want to know. I just imagine OG-ML being the handsome broke live-in maid in the shut-in of a broken author’s apartment
I don’t get it ..in the novel at the end Cliff marry another lady🫠
NOOOOOO…. let them go to their original territory please 😭 I don’t like this idea of them inheriting the duchy 😩
Just send him to the other world that way he wont interfere and just chase that woman he loved wew… Talk about how toxic they are! A match made in heaven 😫🙄
Just give us happy ending,
And if he is leaving the game I hope he never comes back but she died right so she shouldn’t be anywhere
Umm isn’t everything the two og MCs faced fake? Like she was fake with him so why does he like her so much??
Bruhh he’s leaving the game
It’s completely different from the novel now, I hope he doesn’t inherit the duchy, in the novel he went away with Edith to his own territory I liked that.
Ahhh. damn it. I really liked Cliff’s ending in the novel. this one is really sad. It’s also a bit upsetting that Edith had so many plans for their territory and in the end inherit the Duchy instead. I don’t really understand why change the ending from what i read everyone liked the novel ending.. this is satisfying in it’s own way i suppose.
What is bros deal
WoW, now this is completely different from the novel. I’m excited 🤩