I Thought It’s a Common Possession - Chapter 10
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At first I thought she was alright
But she’s a bitch
aw hell nah
@koneko I agree and disagree. If it was some random dude, yes it would be creepy. Honestly id find.it creepy regardless, but he’s her husband, regardless.of whether he fulfills that role or not, so it isnt as bad. I prefer it off camera tho.
I know I’ve implied this multiple times in the previous chapters but GODAMN DO I HATE ELIZE
@koneko I think you’re forgetting that she’s his WIFE 💀 she’s not being creepy she’s just attracted to her husband
there’s 100 different way she could be a good daughter and a Lovable girl ( the blonde)
but she always chooses to get involved with fl and her stuff
@Koneko that’s why a thing like double standards exists dude, if a boy has a crush on a girl and he tries to show his feelings to her she would most likely find him creepy and dismiss him it also depends on how handsome he looks. But if a girl has a crush on a guy I promise you even if that dude does not like her back he will take the opportunity to hit, also depends on her looks of course. Edith has that sensual look to her and a womanly body, using real-world logic he won’t be mad about her watching him, and she’s already showing that she wants him that’s basically permission for him to hit.
I knew it!! She’s a bitch!!
@koneko you are right but I guess she is used to the modern things or rights she had in her previous world and he is also her husband but I guess this doesn’t justify her bc she doesn’t even have a plan to survive in that house
I think that Edith is creepy. Let’s reverse the situation and some man is watching some girl workout and comments her body ” oh her b**bs are do big” and other things that treat women objectively. It will be awful and nobody will be seeing it as a form od admiration, but as something disgusting. Every normal person if has crash on someone the only thing that person is doing is writing in diary somethin like “I love him/her maybe one day I try to talk to him/her”. I heard story where some man Was stalking some woman in work and when she was leaving he left her his diary when he was describing her body in some creepy ways and she was not happy with that. And Edith is doing just that and I think she is really disgusting in that. Like did you see any normal woman who is doing that? Stalking on someone is really a crime and there is no excuse for that behaviour. I know that ofl is a bi*ch but Edith is just stupid and horny and that’s it about her.
Oof. Hope crashed. Snake Biatch OG FL after all🙄
Bro what, she’s a snake wtf wtf! Acting innocent asf…
Thissssssss issssssss why I have trust issuesssssss
sssssssssssshe a ssssssssssssssssssssssnake 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍
The og fl is always a snake T^T
[email protected]
Show your true color girl 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
playing so inosent but deep inside its so dark
I SEeEeeee a SnaKeeEEeee
Jeneatte and maria have raised my hopes up too high, each time I see an ogfl I think they will be angels in this world as well
ohh now her mask is slowly chipping
oooo the jealous blonde bitch