I’m tired of this “evil slut” trope , like do you not how to write a story without that dumbass trope then stop writing and find something else to do. What you want me do by shoving that internalized misogyny on my face? If a girl hates me and balantly shows that to me, me and my Homies will just ignore her man , same with boys or anybody. We don’t go around and be like “AHH UMMM DO YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH US UWU” like some dumb MF. Seriously stop writing this 8year old shit.
the priest has always given me an icky vibe
@justwithme not everybody’s condition is same as you .
I’m tired of this “evil slut” trope , like do you not how to write a story without that dumbass trope then stop writing and find something else to do. What you want me do by shoving that internalized misogyny on my face? If a girl hates me and balantly shows that to me, me and my Homies will just ignore her man , same with boys or anybody. We don’t go around and be like “AHH UMMM DO YOU WANT TO PLAY WITH US UWU” like some dumb MF. Seriously stop writing this 8year old shit.
Can’t wait for the next chapter!
Is it just me or has the colours of Graces Eyes changed? And what is your reason priest?