@Moonwatcher you didn’t understand the whole situation.
He was generous enough that he made contract of 1yr to save her brother. In earlier ch you said he was emotionally manipulating her. He is not that to do that to propose to sign a yr of contract marriage.
Haven’t you read this ch. They were in disadvantage and her brother really have imprisoned or executed. Just because she is marquis wife whole situation comes in her advantage.
You really think that she should not accept his proposal and let her brother get executed. A family member do anything to protect own family and you saying just abondon him.
@Moonwatcher you didn’t understand the whole situation.
He was generous enough that he made contract of 1yr to save her brother. In earlier ch you said he was emotionally manipulating her. He is not that to do that to propose to sign a yr of contract marriage.
Haven’t you read this ch. They were in disadvantage and her brother really have imprisoned or executed. Just because she is marquis wife whole situation comes in her advantage.
You really think that she should not accept his proposal and let her brother get executed. A family member do anything to protect own family and you saying just abondon him.
I know this is supposed to be romantic but I hat the ml so so much right now so much that b****** I mean what is wrong with him
When will she learn that Duke is the boy?
The dress is too much and at the same time underwhelming