The Anime Bookworm Wise ML taking steps slowly and not in annoying way. May 12, 2023 at 5:40 am Log in to Reply
I live for daddy Zhongli I say just tell her that you are the little boy that she thought has died.. if she knows ur alive, she would jump to hug you with happiness… April 1, 2023 at 2:32 pm Log in to Reply
PsychoPrincess dude wants to know how to get close? sugarcoat the little brother, so the little brother can tell her how amazing you are… March 12, 2023 at 2:34 pm Log in to Reply
liaxa_ Thank you for updating! Please continue to update, I’m loving the story so much March 19, 2022 at 2:47 am Log in to Reply
The Anime Bookworm
Wise ML taking steps slowly and not in annoying way.
I live for daddy Zhongli
I say just tell her that you are the little boy that she thought has died.. if she knows ur alive, she would jump to hug you with happiness…
dude wants to know how to get close? sugarcoat the little brother, so the little brother can tell her how amazing you are…
Thank you for updating! Please continue to update, I’m loving the story so much
Thank you so much
Thank you