I hope people remember that a) escal did burn a whole country down, men/women/child/animals, that is not something that could be made up by rumours cause there is literal proof if it happened b) escal did think about killing lara at the start and was just an overall shady dude. He may have changed but everyone has good reason to be suspicious of him… thanks for the chapter!
so fl’s ‘lil bro is in the hands of ml…. do i see an excuse to meet up again?
Love this so much
Thanks Harimanga ?
Thank you harimanga for the top quality translation ♡
I hope people remember that a) escal did burn a whole country down, men/women/child/animals, that is not something that could be made up by rumours cause there is literal proof if it happened b) escal did think about killing lara at the start and was just an overall shady dude. He may have changed but everyone has good reason to be suspicious of him… thanks for the chapter!
Thank you for the update! Love this series