I Tamed My Ex-Husband’s Mad Dog - Chapter 69
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At this point, female lead is wrong. She put him all through kinds of hell for her revenge, and now it’s done, because of some lies she acts like she never lied and used him for her revenge. Pathetic.
So apparently she gets her screws back into place in chapter 86, I’m forgetting what chapter this is but this is going to be depressing.
Can’t believe she is doing this to him! Did she forget that the second chance she got was because of him ,after all he has done for her is that how she pays him? Acting like he is her worst enemy! And don’t put the blame on her hormones she has been acting like lost reason a long time ago.. He deserves better!!
Mobile legend
I just don’t understand why the Wilhelm has to suffer so much?
Can’t author just give him peaceful end.
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Brown haired probably meant his and that village girls child is also due but I think ml misunderstood it as fl cheated or something
The story is what I expect!
I just loving the way of story.
Mage from another world
Imagine you went back in time would u have perfect memories of the past no matter what cause just look at his mental state do you think he cared about anything but hpw to win the war he’s not gonna remember how he died I think he realy did t know deitrich was gonna die but so that the fl doesn’t stop trusting him he lies about when he got his memories back + I think the ml had it harder phisically in every way while the fl just stayed in her house mad and drank herself to death I think everyone in the imperial family is trash but ml had no choice he remembers his past life and how he suffered what kind of person just accepts that and mind you he remembered during the war so I do nt think he was even an adult yet I think the fl and deitrichrealy are idiots if they think telling them she’s pregnant with another man’s son would help he’s just gonna get mad and destroy luden maybe with maybe withought casualties and we already know it’s not deitriches Child cause he has a lover so that mean deitrich came up with that lie or fl told him to say that both are stupid things
A crazed lunatic like ml would care about fl destroying something like that unless it was cause he still loves fl so the moment he stops loving its all over and we know thing cause he killed the prince and princess asap when the fl said she wanted that to happen even tho he was the princes dog now look at fl he was her dog he did anything for her and just wanted love she knew he wasn’t sane she accepted that and now this lie is such a big deal
ooof so much emotional roller coaster here, I love it
Never been a fan of roller-coasters… but I’m already on the ride, so I must persevere 😤
Sorry, I’m not on the side of the ML, who’s crazy, but the FL is behaving like a poor idiot… let’s remember that she managed to go back in time and get her revenge, ONLY thanks to him, he also saved her life on several occasions (she’s not a saint, she’s an assasin like him , just less crazy but clearly obsessed with revenge). What does this cunning and strong woman do? She runs away like a scared 15 year old virgin, wounded to death because he lied?!!😂😂😂 She doesn’t even bother to listen to the explanation, no, she just runs away; she doesn’t even have the guts to tell him: “Fuck off, I’d told you not to lie to me anymore” Nope she hides like a mouse 🤣🤣 Moreover, this woman puts everyone in danger, the ML is not normal, he could attack and kill everyone except her; besides, the child she’s carrying is an heir to the throne, she could be accused of treason… she doesn’t care about endangering everyone. Sorry, but why did she keep the child? (Let’s not fool ourselves, even in the Medieval there were remedies for abortion and maybe even magic) Does she want to keep the child as a reminder or to get back at him? These plot twists only serve to prolong the story and create drama without logic. I don’t like The ML, but I like her even less, she’s acting like a poor stupid, completely out of character. 🙄🙄🙄
I quit
I can’t do this anymore
Owh shit…
Woow 🤣 i hope you have learned your lesson ml for lying to someone who died once because she “trusted” the wrong person and after coming back to life with ptsd with trust issues you lied to HER while being one of the only ppl she trusted (with that guy) 😉
And that guy about waiting a daughter might be a distorted truth on purpose (with someone else not fl😂) so ml get the feeling of betrayal (betrayal by still lying even after a big promise of saying everything)
Well done little revenge and the ppl who blame fl are just dumb because they don’t understand the ptsd who give huge trust issues if someone dare to utter 1 lie as important as knowing if that guy was alive or not 😁
He’s nuts! Disgusting bastard