I Tamed My Ex-Husband’s Mad Dog - Chapter 63
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yay !!!! DIETRICH but why did the writer took him away from us and just bring him now
wilhelm my friend, no need to go taht far
Found the spoilers and I’m sad.
From “look’s interesting” to “its distressing”.
It was good til this point.
I wished the author could have ended it this way.
Happy ending is never one in this story.
Dropping it.
Thanks for the translations.
My poor Wilhelm.
I know he’s cunning but I like him w/ Rein.
Dietrich is good though but why. What will his reappearance be.
Spoiler pls.
OMG I think wilheim known that Dietrich was still alive and hid it to Reinhart, so that’s why rein feels anxious about it even though she’s happy with willheim and succeed her revenge against the dumb prince, princess & evil empress
I don’t want to read it anymore if Rein find out and hate Will Dear author I’m gonna slap her face if she mess, I’m happy Dietrich is alive☺ but willheim what will happen to him😢
Maybe he lost his memories??
Is he hiding from Wilhelm?
Oh man she’s gonna be pissed when she finds out Wilhelm lied