I Tamed My Ex-Husband’s Mad Dog - Chapter 34
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I need to find novel!!! *w*
Thank you for that spoiler I really needed to clear my head😊
Im_into romance
yes i would like to see ur marriage… no nvm OUR MARRIAGE😜😜😜
Lmaoo that mf deserved that
@Gigit1126 */SPOILERS* Ummm idk how to tell you this but actually he remembers his past life just like our FL and in that life he serves the prince and apparently the little white lotus bitch used him as a s*x toy and had 3 kids with him if I remember correctly, and yeah the bitch was cheating at the prince.Our ML was r*p*d over and over ,the only light he sees during those days is our FL he fell in love with her at first sight when he saw her portrait and our ML out of all of us is the one who hates that lotus bitch like really immense hatred and he’s also the one who killed that bitch, the novel can only describe her death as “the most gruesome death” so yeah and in this current life the reason why he’s acting so close with her because he’s going to use her to kill the prince, and the mother of the prince basically shes his doll and please don’t hate him for this but I remember I think he kissed her once. OK I know people will hate him for that but he really needs her for his plans I know alot of ppl will say that it’s considered cheating but I promise he hates hates her to the very core.
Is there a reason he’s being friendly to little Miss White Lotus??? We all know how HOOKED he is for Rein, so what’s he doin’. . . . ? Spoilers wanted😅
Wilhelm. 1. Kill everyone 2. Win Lines favor 3. Show her you’re way more of a man that Deitrich. He died… couldn’t protect her… you’re alive and fulfilling her dreams. Wilhelm > Dietrich