My mom says not to worry about being a good mother before you have a kid, she says that it’s a learning process and since every kid is different, every mother will raise them differently: so you don’t have to worry about being “perfect” because all your plans will eventually fall apart and it’s just better to be happy then stress over a fantastical ideal of parenting that doesn’t exist….,
Yeah, long essay, but I felt like it needed to be said….my mom knows a lot about that kind of stuff, after all, she’s had ten children (one in heaven).
My mom says not to worry about being a good mother before you have a kid, she says that it’s a learning process and since every kid is different, every mother will raise them differently: so you don’t have to worry about being “perfect” because all your plans will eventually fall apart and it’s just better to be happy then stress over a fantastical ideal of parenting that doesn’t exist….,
Yeah, long essay, but I felt like it needed to be said….my mom knows a lot about that kind of stuff, after all, she’s had ten children (one in heaven).
Sweet and sour
Pffffff lol
Lol did she forget the time period she’s in ?
LMAO..bathing suit????hahaha