Well, I’m not interested in your story disgusting asshole. And yikes. Another trash. Stay away from her. The walking garbage can (since this bitch is collecting pathetic bastard) and a trash. What a combination 🤮
I appreciate the translation, but they keep using marriage and engagement interchangeably when the words have different meanings. It’s getting confusing
The nerve of this man—
Josh Thankgosh
All the man in this manga novel are 💩
The Girl Who Doesnt Talk
Well, I’m not interested in your story disgusting asshole. And yikes. Another trash. Stay away from her. The walking garbage can (since this bitch is collecting pathetic bastard) and a trash. What a combination 🤮
ugly everyone one of her ex are ugly character wise
can’t wait for this white hair bitche to get wat she deserves from king
TH? She can hear her just fine, no need to repeat her bs. And why are every ex such despicable trash 🗑️🤢😡 glad she doesn’t endup with any of them
eww, what is wrong with people in this world.
Fuck you bastard go away before I punch your face!
Ex childhood friend: titiana is greeting you can’t you greet her back🤪
I appreciate the translation, but they keep using marriage and engagement interchangeably when the words have different meanings. It’s getting confusing
God damn so many Exs that literally want buzz off.