SLAAAAAYYYY.. Thats the future queen for you! Our Empress cannot be pushed around, periodt (I hope my friends never find this comment, theyuse it against me even at mygrave) But slay gurlie
Was I the only one who felt and heard that beautiful slap😩 Fl ne slaying!!! Since her earnings were shining so much ig she had some recorders in them, just a guess🤔
Josh Thankgosh
Well I hope at this point, there was someone on MC side eavesdropping
yea slap her moree also translation T_T
SLAAAAAYYYY.. Thats the future queen for you! Our Empress cannot be pushed around, periodt (I hope my friends never find this comment, theyuse it against me even at mygrave) But slay gurlie
ahhh the sound sooo statisfying
Yes finally you slap that bitch now give her a good punch too
Thank you finally that b*tch got a slap she’s so desperately deserve and I’ll punch her in her face😈
Guess who
Was I the only one who felt and heard that beautiful slap😩 Fl ne slaying!!! Since her earnings were shining so much ig she had some recorders in them, just a guess🤔
Oh that felt good😂 i wish this chapter cane with an audio to show loud that slap was
Tl jindof ruined this moment 😔